We've fixed a few bugs in the public test alpha and a new version is now available on the Download Page. The IndieDB mirror may not immediately update, but will be available soon.
Patch Notes:
Bug Fixes:
- fixed a crash caused by using the stealth robe in the castle
- fixed a crash caused by setting any keybind to TAB
- fixed a bug where lasers would not update quest objectives
- fixed a bug where ice gargoyles would launch themselves into terrain
- fixed a bug where parts of the desert boss could be drawn infinitely large
- temple slider puzzles can now be moved by the player
- the quest "Pain and Panic" now tells you the correct material to use
- fixed a bug where crates in the desert could spawn inside walls
- fixed a bug where fire trails did not work properly with walk-walking
- fixed a bug where you couldn't load recipes properly if you had too many saved
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